Weirdo Well, today, I feel like exploring what being a weirdo is like. Yep. What does it mean to be weird? Well, it means that...
Frequently Asked
Frequently Asked Questions Why are you so weird? I dunno. Why are you so bland, boring, and normal? maybe I’m just imaginative, and...
Guides vs Keepers
Guides vs Keepers Having a Spirit Guide(s) is very popular in the New Age Movement. It makes a person feel very special to think that...
Feeding My Inner Goddess
FEEDING MY INNER GODDESS Or 'HOW I LEARNED TO ANCHOR THE NEW PLANETARY SPIRIT GRID.' Listen, this is a serious blog today about me and my...
SUN SIGN BATTLE CHART Just in case you always wanted one of these - I wrote one for you: An Aries will hit you quickly, and then will...
IMPORTANT MESSAGE from The Federation
Important Message from - The Federation Important channeled message from The Federation: Welcome beloved brethren, it is again a solemn...
Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Aliens, and Chromies
Can what you think shape what you become? Someone told me recently about Indigo’s, Crystals, and Rainbows. . . I told them I’ve collected...
They Hunger Witch!
They Hunger Witch! Feed'm another candle All candles burn to soot and ashes. Blowin in the wind it all soon passes. Washed by the rain to...
Golden Book of Magic Won
Golden Book of Magic Won Um, can I have what's behind Door #2 now instead? Golden Book of Magic Won Fought my way Up the mountain Blood...
Shifting into the 5th Dimension
Shifting into 5th Dimension Are we experiencing The Big Shift? I was out and about, and let me tell you, it really is the little things...