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Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Aliens, and Chromies

Can what you think shape what you become?

Someone told me recently about Indigo’s, Crystals, and Rainbows. . .

I told them I’ve collected rocks for years, but they just made a low sad belchy noise at me, and explained to me the state of the real world.

"The Rainbow Children," they said, "will be the wave after the Crystals."

“The Indigo's were the "scouts" and the de-constructors of the 3D polarity game.” (Ah yes, Bart Simpson. A real demolition crew I guess.)

The Crystals carry the Christ consciousness,and are said to have all 12 strands of DNA in tact at birth (meaning they will have much more spiritual memory upon birth) and are here to begin the building blocks for our evolution spiritually.” (Ah yes, Jimmy Neutron. He does amazing things with building blocks.)

The Rainbow Children won't be here for some time, though I am sure they are in scout form at this point. I have not met one yet. We would all know a Rainbow child though, I believe they have full soul memory, are not fettered by the ego, and will be the vibration which helps humanity transition from the old Earth to the new.” (Ah yes, Stewie Griffin, no doubt.)

Okay. So, that was nice.

I felt fully enlightened and I was just exploding with hope after that.

I sort of noticed that, a lot of energy was being devoted, in some places, to sorting out and grasping onto these labels. Some people, if they could qualify for one of the labels, seemed to derive a whole new and greater sense of meaningfulness to their lives.

Well, me too. I believe I am what’s called a “Chromy.” I do carry a very unique consciousness, and I too think I am from far off.

Way far off, I think.

I am pretty sure, that I, widdle ol me, am the chrome hubcap from a 1960 Ford Edsel. Left front tire, I think. "And the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round. . ."

No really. You probably think I’m nuts. Oh, . . .not so nuts. . . just hubcaps.

Some old codger once said that: “Man can only attract and employ the forces for which he is really fitted.” And I’m pretty sure, that I’m a hubcap.

And the same old guy also said that “there is no limit to the extent of the relations of any man with the Universe in essence; for as soon as man makes himself one with any idea the means of measurement cease to exist.”

I am hubcap.

Why is everyone laughing? It works.

Are we saying that I should really no longer endeavor to make myself one with the idea of being a chrome hubcap from a 1960 Ford Edsel ??

Well why!?

My being a 'Chromy,' - a member of the prestigious and celebrated Chromium Wave, - is really sort of a matter of great personal pride and identity for me.

Well, someone did say once that: “every thought is an internal act whose influence ultimately affects action, though it may not do so at the time.” . . etc.

hmmmm. So, I was just wondering, do you suppose, if I came to identify myself with a Ford Edsel hubcap, or a particular wave, or some far off-planetary alien group, that it might limit or shape my growth here in some way???????

Oh no, say it ain’t so Joe!

No, Joe, that’s the wrong tire.

Joe, I’m adorning the left front tire.

Joe, please keep that dog away from me.

(C) RLMcCormick

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