I might be Verbally Aggressive
I might be ‘verbally aggressive’ today and tomorrow, likely to speak impulsively, and without sufficient forethought or concern for consequences. Ha!. Can you believe that!?. . . Me?. . . Really? . . . Well that’s what my horrorscope is telling me.
I want a do over! Why aren’t horrorscopes like those Magic 8 Balls that you can shake and get a different fortune if you don’t like the one that comes up in the window?
Well I guess this means you have been warned.
We always put public safety first here.
I dunno. What is ‘verbally aggressive’ exactly? Does it mean I post up lots of blogs and shove all the other blogs down the page and out of sight? Or does it mean that I will probably comment on blogs, and tell people they are full of poo if they are posting up ridiculous nonsense?
How is this going to manifest, I wonder?
Is ‘verbally aggressive’ the new rude? . . . Because when I get blunt and plainly state things, that’s when people call me rude, whenever they don’t agree with me. But when I couch things in metaphor, humor, and irony, they laugh politely and pretend that they understand, and then they thank me for joking. . .
So I might as well be ‘verbally aggressive,’ right?
Or maybe people will just disagree with me a lot. . . I have noticed that the same people who promote ‘Speaking Your Truth’ are the very same ones who complain when they don’t like what or how I say something.
Maybe, they think I don’t read their blogs, who knows? Maybe that’s why they also say that if something makes no sense, I should just leave it, and accept that it’s not for me. . . (of course if I did that, I never would have learned English grammar, or how to park a car sideways.)
Where is the growth in just leaving things that make no sense to me? What kind of stooopid mother says to her son about potty training; “Well, son, if it makes no sense to you, just leave it. We’ll keep buying more diapers. “ Yeah sure, . . . do you think the same righteous people counseling me to just accept and leave stuff alone, - also actually live like that, and potty-train their children and pets that same way? I dunnot think so Mr. Bill.
But then, if I were to ‘Speak My Truth,’ there might be no end to it, really, as there are so many things about which to be spoken, and then I guess we would all be right back where we were above, with the problem of my posting too many blogs. . .
I usually try to rely on inspiration to limit the flood, and provide a little moderation. But, I guess moderation might be all out the window for the next two days… who knows?
We’ll see. . . Maybe it just means that the safety on my gun is broken for the next two days, and I should be more careful how I handle it? I don’t like that either. But, it is probably better than me shaking the sky, just to try and get a better reading from those rude planets.
(C) RLMcCormick