The Theme Key
The Theme Key - It's really NOT so hard to understand. Genesis, “origin,” the book of beginnings. It’s one of our favorite books. It is...
It might be good for you. . .
It might be good for you. Everything in our solar system spins. You might have noticed that it takes several weeks for a sunspot to spin...
THOUGHTS FOR TROUBLED TEENS Straight talk. Unvarnished. (You might want to sit down.) Here are a few thoughts, responding to these two...
Emotional PAIN
EMOTIONAL PAIN Sixth grade was the first year of school that I sort of enjoyed. At least it wasn't a freakish nightmare. I sat next to...
When The Lights Go Out
When The Lights Go Out So, the power went out Saturday night July 13th, about 11:11PM. The computer went dark, the fans and air...
Irresistibly Adorable
Zounds. I just realized that I haven’t posted this yet!!! . . . Awesome. I also realized that, with the current set of readers, if I were...
LIGHT what it is really Most people got nothing to shine. They got an empty black hole where Spirit should be. They spend most of their...
DESIRE - causes you to grow. Let me explain. ___________________________________________________________________ My dark friends taught...
It’s all about INFLUENCE. So, If I asked you, what would you say is the best, most satisfying part of sex? Yeah, seriously. It’s been...
COUNSELING . . .a world fulll of loud messy stinky toddlers. . . I learned what I know about counseling from a Marine. He was a Special...