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It might be good for you. . .

It might be good for you.

Everything in our solar system spins. You might have noticed that it takes several weeks for a sunspot to spin off the right side of the suns surface and then reappear on the other side. Or maybe you don’t watch the surface of our sun, and you didn’t notice that. That’s okay; take my word for it, the surface, at least, of the sun spins.

We spin, Mars spins, Venus has the slowest rotation of any planet, and it is actually slowing down, but it still spins. Venus even spins in the opposite direction of all the other planets, but it still spins. So everything not only orbits around our sun, but it also spins.

Our moon even spins, but it does not appear that it does. It is so coordinated with earth’s rotation that it appears to always have the same side facing us. So the Moon has great duality, because one side appears to always face the Earth, the planet of life, and the other side, ‘The Dark Side of The Moon’ appears to always face out into the darkness of outer space. Consequently, the coldest spot ever measured in our entire solar system - is only 238,900 miles away on the dark side of our very own moon. Yes, it’s colder in spots there than the surface of Pluto! How cold is it? Try, -396.4 F at the bottom of polar craters. That’s how cold. That’s because those places - never rotate enough to face the sun and warm up.

When I was working at a collection agency, I would get cussed-out daily, all day long, for calling people to discuss their bad debts. I always got threatened with violence at least once a week. Debtors would tell me they know where I am, and they would be waiting for me in the parking lot after work. I always told them to come on down, and bring your billfold with you. But nobody every showed up. That’s probably part of the reason some of my coworkers referred to me as ‘The mouse that roars.’ My wife didn’t like me working at the collection agency because she said it changed me and I became a meaner and rougher individual working there, in her opinion, in that environment, surrounded by hostility 8 hrs a day.

Maybe I needed to rotate and face the sun more often, to avoid becoming the coldest spot in my wife’s solar system.

But that’s what happens, you know, if you spend your time facing the endless darkness of deep space, and you never live in the warmth of the sun . . .you. . . become. . . colder.

I don’t necessarily think it is really a self-fulfilling prophecy that you will become colder if you become gothic and immerse yourself in darkness. I think it is just physics.

You weren’t made to live at -396.4 F. . . So it might be good for you to turn and face the sun once in awhile. It warms you up.

(C) RLMcCormick

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