The First Day of School
The First Day of School 8-12-13 First day of school today for my coworker. She has three children that she adopted about a year ago. Two...
The THREE-FOLD PATH And an angel appeared to me, wearing a green basketball jersey, and lo, he saith unto me “Hey, short ugly ant...
What's the Name of the Game?
What's the Name of the Game? Can you feel the way I do? ABBA lyrics: "The Name Of The Game" "What's the name of the game? Does it mean...
NOT KNOWING It seems a lot less like work Well, *sigh* I’m not doing very well at writing shorter blogs.. . I was supposed to work on...
THOSE People
THOSE People One of my all-time favorite quotes. I think it deserves it's own post. "Love humiliates you. Hatred cradles you," Ingrid...
A Handful of Kierkegaard
A Handful of Kierkegaard: "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." "People commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains, new...
PEACEFUL GARDENING - My ass Gardening is high drama baby! SOME PEOPLE think that gardening is a relaxing hobby, where you quietly and...
NO Regrets
NO Regrets Grow not weary in well-doing. Our true character is shown by how we treat those who can do nothing for us. Should we collect...
FROGS! When I wear shorts, I go to the pond. I sit down and I meditate. The frogs start croaking. I start croaking too. Sometimes,...
Blog Sharing?
Blog Sharing? - is that an indecent proposal? You know, blogging is a really strange way of thinking. You sit down and sort out your...