NO Regrets
NO Regrets
Grow not weary in well-doing.
Our true character is shown by how we treat those who can do nothing for us.
Should we collect the tools of power to manifest our personal delights, or the souls of the lost and helpless?
Never regret the time spent, the efforts made, or the sacrifices, made in love. Even if we suffered, and our time and effort seems totally wasted, or it did not work for our benefit, love was always the right decision. It is the right decision now. And it will still always be the right decision.
If you spent, you spent well. . . If you gave, you gave well. . .Gode is love, and love is eternal. . . No sacrifice made for love is ever wasted, or a mistake.
Even if it all blew up, right in your face, it was not a mistake.
You don’t control the results.
You only control the decision.
It is never, a bad decision,
to love.
(C) RLMcCormick
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