And an angel appeared to me, wearing a green basketball jersey, and lo, he saith unto me “Hey, short ugly ant person!” And I saith unto him; “Cool jersey, dude!” And then he bestowed upon my hand a most holy high five. “Look over there,” he said. So I looked.
I’m weak. I just had to look. So I looked.Scenery. It looked like a Robert Wood painting. So I said; “It looks like a Robert Wood Painting.” And lo, the angel giveth to me a sign of thumbs-up and a holy wink of his eye.There was this place, a mystical place, where the river flowed on the right, and there was a beach in the middle, and after that a thick dark forest on the left.I was mystified. So I asked; “Where are the girls?” Angel Dude looked puzzled, so I explained; “We got us a beach here, shouldn’t there be girls!?” But the angel only shaketh his head from side to side. He smiled, but declined to answer.“This is the three-fold path of mankind,” he said. So I nodded, and I said; “Right. . . .”I didn’t roll my eyes for very long, so he continued.“The River, he said, is the Spirit of God. It flows.”
I’m like; “Yeah, go on. . .” so he did.
“In it, you travel not by might, or by power, but by spirit. You depend on it, and it carries you along where it wills. You just have to stay connected, and remain in the flow. Those who flow with the river, like to be sure that they will arrive.““Okay.” I said. “I’ve been on a float trip before. I know that drill. . .”“The Beach, he said, is the middle path, trod by those who seek balance between the river and the dark forest. Those who wish to make their own path, and choose their own steps, slowly trudge through the sand. With no firm foundation, they seek to right themselves, and to do things their own way. Those who walk the middle path, feel that being independent is reward enough for them, and they like to see and freely choose their own steps.““Yeah, and this sand is hot and dry,” I said. "It burns my feet.”“ Now, The Forest,” He pointed over to the forest. “is the way of darkness, force, and power. . . Dangerous beasts lurk therein, and you must avoid them, befriend them, or serve them, while cutting your own swath through the brambles, trees, and spider webs. Those who wander the forest of darkness, enjoy the challenge, and they seek their own rewards.““Eeeeeew! Spiders!” I said, shivering.“Each will grow as they travel. Those who travel The River will grow in spirit, and those who trudge through the sand of The Beach will grow in ego, and those who brave The Forest of darkness may grow in material things, like territory, knowledge, and power. ““No popcorn?” I asked. “No Popcorn.” Angel Dude said. “There are no spectators.”
It was like he was reading my mind!“Well can I has a cheeseburger then?” I asked.“Maybe on the other side,” he smiled.Then he bestowed upon my hand, another most holy high five.And vanished!Leaving me wondering - WHAT to do?Do you suppose he was trying to tell me something?What does this mean? Should I go buy me a green basketball jersey?