Knowing How It Should Be
Knowing How It Should Be
I FEEL, Therefore I know.
At the very essence of her being
Is the word 'should'
Every restless contribution
Reduces to the same word: 'Should'
Should be nice
Should be soft
Should talk in plain English
Should listen to me
Should sugar my tea
Should rest if the night is long
Sits on her emotions
Protects them like eggs
Secure on her nest
She clucks all day
At the world all wrong
Changing its ways
To better suit
Her tastes
As it will be
As it could be
As it should be
As it should be
As it should be
As it should be
"It should be this
It should be that
It should be
Whatever I see fit
I decide and I divide
Because I FEEL
Therefore I know
How things should be.
My inner self Is therefore God
I worship me
When I do not sob
That none can see
My beauty true
To worship me
And serve me too.
I feel
I know
That my divinity
Should shine for you
I've learned,
To love myself.
I know how it SHOULD be.
I will ascend
I will shine
I will lead
I will decide
I will manifest and
I will BE.
Because I feel,
Therefore I know.
my Secret:
I will ascend into heaven
I will exalt my throne above the stars
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds
I will be like the most High.
I love myself
I know I should
Because I FEEL
Therefore I know.
Apple of emotion: I bite thee."
Isaiah 14:12 -14
Genesis 3: 5-7
(C) RLMcCormick