What it is: This Manifesto is a few simple basic rules for good people, on how to manifest successfully. . . This is not a Gray Manifesto, or a Middle-Path manifesto. (If straddling the fence is your thing, - buy a cup.)
You can make yourself a fit instrument: through personal relationship, and knowing where you stand, and by being there for the right reasons, and by supporting your loved ones, by protecting the sheep, by being respectful, by having a pure heart, and by faithfully following your principals.
Even though you find yourself in the middle of a situation - it is still NOT about YOU.
If you are of a mindset to hunt down the giants of darkness/evil, then you may willfully make it about you, - and then you may fail. He who looks for trouble, is likely to find some.
Most giants of darkness/evil fall apart on their own, destroy each other, or flee from you. . . Willfully seeking them out, only for the sake of conflict, can be willful, can be arrogant, and can require your focus on darkness/evil. Therefore, it usually comes from a bad place, and it usually leads to a bad place. Don't waste energy trying to scare, impress, or intimidate darkness/evil. This is another tactic that comes from a bad place, and usually leads to a bad place.
Do not burden yourself trying to wear someone else's armor, or trying to be someone you are not. When the time comes, you won't need anything you don't already have.
If I perish, I perish. Deep faith and commitment makes one willing and brave.
(C) RLMcCormick