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I’m thinking that when man first appeared on the earth, it must been in Texas, because when men do something, they like to do it up big, loud, and pretty. But when Spirit does something, it usually appears humble, and understated.

Yeah, maybe we should have a brief intermission right here, for you to read that again if you need, or maybe to just go ahead and pop your dentures back in.

When Spirit directs to build a monument, the instructions were just to make a big pile of stones as a reminder. When men build a monument, they build it tall, square, and mighty, and they cover it with shiny metal, and they decorate it with images and build a park around it. . . Men just do not naturally do things the same way that Spirit usually does things.

I understand this is traumatic if you want to follow Spirit, because you can easily be misled by the colorful trappings of men trying to appear spiritual, according to their own understanding, and totally miss the real movements of Spirit, because those usually appear to be plain, humble, and bland, in comparison.

Men like to speak with a microphone, from a podium, while wearing pretty robes and a $300 haircut. But Spirit usually speaks unseen, and in a still small voice.

Do you like discernment? Good. Then I think you should start with this rule at the top of your list:

Put simply, if something glitters; it is probably just the work of men, and not of Spirit.

I should like to just stop right here.

But, I know people are thinking – Oh but the stars twinkle, and the lake sparkles, and the snow shines, and the dew on the roses looks like diamonds…. Yes, yes, yes. But they don’t sing and shout at you the glory of God do they? No. They twinkle, and sparkle, and shine, in a still small voice. And you already know men didn’t create any of those things.

There are just armloads of examples that really tempt me to totally overkill this topic, but I’m going to just offer these two:

Example 1

Men like to build huge elaborate and ornate temples and cathedrals, but when God dwelt among men, he chose to abide in a simple tent, with a dirt floor, (the Tabernacle).

Example 2

You should know this one . . . men expected the predicted messiah to be born at the palace. But where was Jesus born? He was born in a lowly cattle manger, far away from the pretty palace.

I’m telling you, and you can put it in your magic hat, if something glitters big, it is probably just the work of men, and not of Spirit.

(C) RLMcCormick

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