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Appearances HIDE Things

So it’s Thursday. At least I think it is. I stayed up too late last night, or I got up too early this morning. I guess it is a matter of perspective. Anyway, I am zonkerd. And I’m typing like I’m drunk, which is very irritating. I’m drinking hot coffee, and cold tea, in-between bites of chocolate, and listening to a peppy ABBA music cd. . . and none of it is working. . . I should probably just mainline caffeine or get some wooden rods to prop my body up with. . . I think my eyes might be slightly red, but otherwise I probably look like my normal self, even though I feel a bit like an empty shell today.

The building maintenance man came by the office this morning with his ladder. He hides buckets in the first floor ceiling above the ceiling tiles to catch dripping water from leaks he can’t find or we don’t have the money to fix right now. You never know when you might be standing under a 5 gallon bucket of water hidden above the ceiling tiles of our drop ceiling. . . He was pleased that after all of the rains that we had, the leak above our office seems to have stopped leaking. . . Me too. . . But in my weak exhausted state it occurred to me that many people are like that, actually, – and have buckets hidden behind their ceiling tiles to catch leaks that they don’t want to show anyone on the outside. . . Dangerous situation really.

Lol. hmmmmm. I’m starting to sense a theme today. . . This is probably what I am supposed to write about. . . See, this is how I select topics for my blogs. . . I call it inspiration. Maybe it’s just my ability to recognize patterns in the divine drama. This is pretty blatant though . . .But, lol, I guess it would have to be pretty blatant today for me to notice it, because ugh - I’m so wiped out. . . It is sort of like somebody put a bouncy mouse in my cage. Which is good! I knew if I somehow started typing, something would be there for me.

I have a box of blueberry oatmeal squares on my desk. I know, right? The picture of the oatmeal square on the box has at least 14 blueberries in it. I know this, because I counted them, and that is the very conservative number. . . But I’m lucky when I open one up, if it has 6 blueberries in it!

You know, don’t you, that it is not just people and blueberry oatmeal squares who are like this. Spirits are like this too, at least in how they appear to those of us in the material world. Remember the Wizard of Oz, and that little man behind the curtain you were supposed to ignore, according to that big loud booming powerful voice? It’s like that. Truly, there are some little squirts in the spirit world that run some big well-known impressive operations in the material world.

If you are impressed by glitz and beauty, - DON'T be. . .

Think to yourself – what kind of places do we decorate with lots of lights, bells and whistles? Casinos – where the odds are institutionally stacked against you, that’s where.

Arcades are always flashy, where you lose your quarters every time you play.

Flashy Pomp & Circumstance should be a warning for you, not an attraction.

It is the still small voice, plain simple words, and the things that you can smell but not see, that should impress you more.

Hey, remember what God told Samuel when Samuel became impressed by David's flashy older brother and thought surely Eliab was the man he was supposed to annoint:

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." I Samuel 16:7

(C) RLMcCormick

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