I suppose it is always good to be positive whenever you can. I was peacefully driving to work the other day, and I lawfully stopped at a traffic light. Some guy in a pickup truck drove up next to me, and he yelled at me, that I had a taillight that was not working. The nerve of that man! How judgmental! Attacking me publicly over my presumed insufficiency with his negative words. How dare he!? Who appointed him to be traffic monitor? Didn't he know I'm really a good person, and I was just trying to do the best job that I could?
Some might say, that I should see this as a learning opportunity, and thank that man for his ill-chosen words that made me feel badly, because they now make me feel good about myself, because I realize that I am not like that man. . .So, I forgave him for his dense unevolved lowly ways, understanding that he just needs further growth and development.. . . And, I became optimistic, that it was all probably the low point of my whole day, and that everything would now be wonderful for the rest of my day.
What I actually did, was thank that man, and I used the knowledge to get my car taillight repaired as quickly as possible - before it caused me to have an accident. But, it was not pleasant to have to hear that my taillight was not working. No no no. That was emotionally painful to process. The man even looked a bit rough and unrefined, but I figured he probably did know the difference between a light being on or off. - - And it turned out - he was right, my taillight wasn't working!
It's always good to remember -
TRUTH is usually a very offensive thing,
because you must adjust to it.
TRUTH does not adjust to you.
"A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, and has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you’ve always known you can be."
- Vince Lombardi, US football coach (1913 – 1970)
(C) RLMcCormick