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Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes

So many people, caught up in the drama

All the surge of emotion, and no clue what to do

They feel my energy, and they know I ‘m different

And they don’t understand, but they know they are in it.

But they don’t understand

No they don’t understand

And I’ve tried to explain it

But they don’t understand

Smiles exchanged, but they’re afraid to approach

They don’t want to dance, and they can’t seem to move

They don’t speak much, and they can’t seem to connect

They just want to look back

into my angel eyes.

Angel eyes,

sweet angel eyes,

struck dumb in the presence of love

They don’t know what to do,

Don’t know what to say

They just want to stare

at my

Sweet angel eyes

All day.

But they don’t understand

No they don’t understand

And I’ve tried to explain it

But they don’t understand

Sweet angel eyes,

Sweet angel eyes,

All struck dumb in the presence of love

They don’t know what to do,

And they can’t think what to say

They just want to stare

At the love, all day.

In my sweet angel eyes.

So many people, caught up in the drama

All the surge of emotion, and no clue what to do

They feel my energy, and they know that I ‘m different

And they don’t understand, they just know they fell in

But they don’t understand

No they don’t understand

And I’ve tried to explain it

But they don’t understand

Smiles exchanged, but they’re afraid to approach

They don’t want to dance, and they can’t seem to move

They don’t speak, and they can’t seem to connect

They just want to look back

Deeply, into my angel eyes.

Angel eyes,

sweet angel eyes,

struck dumb in the presence of love

They don’t know what to do,

Don’t know what to say

They just want to look

In my eyes all day.

But they don’t understand

No they don’t understand

And I’ve tried to explain it

But they don’t understand

Sweet angel eyes,

Sweet angel eyes,

All struck dumb in the presence of love

They don’t know what to do,

And they can’t think what to say

They just want to look

Deeply at the love all day.

In my sweeeeeeeet - angel eyes.


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