Thoughts on Ascending this Sunday
Random Thoughts on Ascending this Sunday.
(FYI - probably the most important thing to any New Age believer is wondering when do we finally, finally, finally, end this awful journey in 3D life and change into the glorious god-like 5D beings we are destined to evolve into. It's like being a kid and waiting for Santa Claus. Every solstice becomes a suggested target date, because the planets have aligned, the frequency will be right then, or the portals will open, or something was predicted, or whatever. . . It always has everyone waiting on the edge of their seats, waiting and hoping to evolve and ascend into their new glorious existance.)
I always knew the summer solstice was good for something!
Ascending into God-like glory, does seem like a good use of time.
Or I could BBQ.
It is summer, . . . and it is a Sunday. . .
Why can’t we ascend on a Tuesday, or maybe a Thursday?
Why must it be a Sun day?
I wonder if they have seedless watermelon where we are going.
Do you suppose changing our DNA will tickle, or hurt like hell?
I hope I don’t get like a drank-too-much-cold slurpy brain freeze or something.
The first time I took my daughter to see the doctor he gave her a suppository,
And she NEVER wanted to go back there again. I hope it’s not like that.
No sir. No cosmic suppositories for me. Thank you very much.
I wonder if you’ve ascended half way up and then you say something like that,If they let you back down gently, or if they just laugh because you no longer have any choice.
But, I suppose this means we get to avoid that whole ‘life-review’ thing. Whew!
Maybe I’ll finally get to see my soul contract, where I supposedly agreed to incarnate here and endure everything that has befallen me.
Maybe get paid.
I hope they haven’t had too much monetary inflation.
I like to spend whatever I get.
Hopefully I can at least afford some lip gloss.
I wonder if we will all end up in a crowded cosmic bus station.
Because, some people here have really sharp elbows.
I probably needv to practice my 'ascended speak:'
“You wrook marvelous.” “You wrook marvelous.” “You also wrook marvelous!”
Just imagine how many unemployed alien and spirit guides there will be soon.
Listless mobs of now useless guides mulling around aimlessly.
Maybe they get rings with our image on them if we make it, and ascend.
“I went to Earth and all I got was this stinking t-shirt,” for loser guides, maybe.
They probably have instant automatic Photoshop.
Yeah.Otherwise the guides would be showing off their image rings like:
Look at this. Have you ever seen anything so hideous? I actually managed to get that thing to ascend. . . Can you believe it? Give me some love.
I hope they have like a five minute warning siren or something.
I don’t want to be on the toilet when I ascend. At least I don’t think so.
If they are doing that suppository DNA thing, then maybe. But otherwise, no.
I wonder what would be out of fashion to wear. Sackcloth probably.
Can I wear white shoes? It is summer, at least technically.
I hope they are not like my mother and they don’t say:“Oh no, you are not going ANYWHERE looking like that!”
(C) RLMcCormick
FYI; incase you are wondering about my choice of photo for this article, it is for historic reasons. Ancient Egyptian pyramids were not just big tombstones, they were built to be ascension machines - to help the Pharoah ascend up and join the gods. Little temples were built next to the pyramids where people could worship the recently ascended pharoahs.