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The Naysayer Song

"Naysayer" is a pejorative term used by faithful New Agers to refer to negative nabobs who dare to question the 'sacred' channeled messages received by mediums. I really loves me some "naysayers," so I wrote up song lyrics to help foster the growing sense of awakened oneness. Hope you enjoy!!!

The Naysayer Song

Call me "Beloved"

and I’ll be your sheep.

Promise disclosure,

and your faith I’ll keep.

Make up some stories,

while you sit on the loo

and I’ll take them to heart,

‘cause I’m sure they’re all true...

Nay nay nay, nay nay nay.

There’s nothing new under the sun.

It’s all been done


Ain’t falling for these lies anymore.

I’m free, I’m free.

Nay nay nay nay nay

Nay nay nay nay nay

What else can I say

but nay, nay, nay, nay, nay!.

It will all be different.

I’m sure that it will.

It’s different this time,

on Sisyphus hill. . .

We came here for this,

Oh don’t you know -

just to watch all the aliens,

make a big show.

Nay nay nay, nay nay nay.

There’s nothing new under the sun.

It’s all been done


Ain’t falling for these lies anymore.

I’m free, I’m free.

Nay nay nay nay nay

Nay nay nay nay nay

What else can I say

but nay, nay, nay, nay, nay!.

There’s nothing new under the sun.

(C) RLMcCormick

regarding human wisdom: all is vanity.

the eye is not satisfied with seeing,

nor the ear filled with hearing.

"...there is no new thing under the sun."

Ecclesiastes 1:9

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