The Case For The Dark Side
Ego & Relativism explored. Where does it take us?
lol. I guess I is posting this, because I have been inspired by seeing Lightworkers posting up blogs about their personal Pirate Codes/Pirate Manifesto's and I guess I'm intensly disturbed about the support and encouragement that these girls all got from the older ladies. And, I've been amazed at those who staunchly support embracing and nurting one's ego as somehow being some kind of a good thing.
Hope you enjoy.
A bit o background:
In terms of square miles conquered, Genghis Khan was THE greatest conqueror of all-time -- greater than Alexander the Great. The Mongol nation believed he was the greatest man of all time and a man sent from heaven. Among the Mongols he is known as the Holy Warrior, and not unlike the Jews who continue to see hope of a conquering king (messiah) like David, the Mongols continue to believe that one day Genghis Khan will rise again and lead his people to new victories. At age 65, in 1227 AD, after conquering all of Persia, China, Korea, and most of Russia with no more than 700,000 Mongols, Genghis Khan fell off his horse and died. (Oops.) Before that, though, he left us with his very important philosophy of Barbarism in this quote:
"Man's greatest joy is to slay his enemy,
plunder his riches, ride his steeds,
see the tears of his loved ones
and embrace his women."
Temujin: Genghis Khan
So, according to the wealthiest, and the most successful man in history, it doesn't get any better in this life, than killing another man, stealing his stuff, and raping his woman.
THAT is the greatest joy a man can possibly experience.
The Mongols, under his direction, practiced this philosophy with great success. When the Mongols took over a village, they killed all the men. Then, after raping the women, they would force-march all the women and children in front of their army, into the next town. The people of the next town would not fire on the women and children, and so the Mongols would easily enter and take over that town too. Then they would kill all the men, rape the women, and start the cycle again.
A lot of Mongols did eventually convert to Islam. Did this mean that they abandoned their barbarism like the Vikings did when the Vikings converted to Christianity? - Well, no. . . Islam enshrined and encouraged their barbarism, and they kept on marauding and pillaging.
Current Thinking:
Today, the argument is made that: we have now advanced beyond the intrusion of Christianity and our need for for any external God. Everyone is much smarter today, in our modern world, than those old guys who got burned at the stake for printing Bibles. And, we are much more evolved now and have more meaningful lives today, than those thousands of missionary people who sacrificed their lives and endured all sorts of horrible hardships. What were those guys thinking?
Now, we finally are enlightened modern thinkers, who are finally evolved enough, to finally realize, that we can finally put the Bible aside and finally not really take it seriously anymore, like all those stupid people did before us. . . All of those people were just idiots who knew nothing. We are the enlightened generation. We are the special ones.
So, many teachings popular today take great pains to point out that they predate Christianity, as proof of they are valid, sacred and more natural. They take great pride in this.
Well, Genghis Khan's philosophy also did not originate with Christianity. It also predates Christianity, and therefore would be valid and sacred also, for the same reasons. In fact, it was widely and even universally accepted over thousands and thousands of years.
The simple idea of being a hunter, rather than be the hunted, is one of those ideas that predates Christianity and can be found in virtually every early form of every civilization known..
Before the Bible became the basis for modern Judeo-Christian Western Society, there were:
Vikings, and Vandals rampaging across Europe and Africa,
Japanese samurai curing their molten swords in the live bodies of young girls,
Aztec wars and human sacrifices,
Incas tying women to poles facing the ocean to die of exposure, etc. etc.
Life was cheap, and survival of the fittest was the rule.
When the ancient Sumerians, for instance, were not being flooded out, they attacked each other every summer to sack and pillage the neighboring city states. And those enlightened ancient Egyptians, they kept slaves, had public orgies, and went to war almost every summer just like the Sumerians before them.
Certainly this was a belief held widely by advanced civilizations, and long before Christianity.
Unlike Christianity, Genghis Khan's philosophy is compatible with, and embraces, man's ego and man's will. It is a more natural and more ancient philosophy, articulated by The Greatest Authority, and Source. WHY would I want to ignore what the wealthiest and most successful man ever in history had to say about the greatest joy I can possibly hope to experience?
If the Bible was written by a bunch of mortal men who stuck their own corrupt opinions in it, and it is misunderstood by the majority of the readers who all interpret it differently, and is the basis for thousands of people doing silly or harmful things, WHY would I NOT want to follow the solid and verifiable advice of Genghis Khan instead?
I mean, really. Genghis Khan ranks higher than all of those lowly mortal miscreants who wrote the Bible, yes? (Seriously, one of the Bible authors was just a migrant fig picker, another was a lowly tent maker, one was a fisherman, and still another was a despicable tax collector, IF we can even believe anything they wrote, eh?) And, nobody much listened to the ravings of those migrant fig-picker guys way back then anyway, - so WHY should we even let their words affect us now? Prophet smophet! Would it not be absolute lunacy to give more weight to the words of tent makers and fishermen, than to the words of the most wealthy and successful man ever in history, who commanded hundreds of thousands of other men, and is revered as a god by his people and those who knew him?
Face it, when it comes to ego and will, nobody did it better.
Nobody can compare. Nobody had the resources, experiences, and freedom of thought, like Genghis Khan. No self-appointed mystic with a robe and some beads, or videos or books, can even come close to challenging the philosophical authority of Genghis Khan.
Rationally, in the absence of the Bible, You just have to choose Genghis Khan. He is the only logical and practical choice. Genghis Khan was the wealthiest and most successful man ever, in history. His testimony is that by being predatory, I can achieve the highest possible joy. He should know. He is the MOST authoritative and most credible source available. Logic dictates I should accept such advice over lesser sources.
Being predatory, is then, therefore the logical methodology for getting the highest possible enjoyment out of life. Period.
Important Ego Rationalizations:
I guess, if there really were absolutes, the existence of those absolutes might logically require that we bend ourselves into conformity with them, or at least restrain ourselves to live in harmony with them. BUT NO ONE WANTS TO DO THAT! . Come on! Unpopular in the extreme.
On the other hand, in the absence of absolutes, everybody can do whatever seems right in his own eyes. Much more comfortable! (And, that way, I can also never be wrong.) I've always felt (and feelings are everything,) much better about making up my own rules, haven't you?
So, in the absence of any absolutes, if I want to make a logical and practical choice, then I pretty much have to choose Genghis Khan as my prime role model, and his philosophy; that of being a predator, as the most enjoyable, free, and fulfilling lifestyle available. Logic and my Ego compels me thus.
With Christianity, and God, all pushed aside by reliance on the greatest authority we can possibly find, why should we behave? That seems like an important question.
My 'basic good nature'? No. Can’t go there. You might have vain conceits, but I don't feel that I was born with any innate inner goodness. And, I've lived with hostility my whole life, so I naturally gravitate toward Genghis Khan's philosophy.
Hindu karma? Ha! Wouldn't I choose to experience the greatest possible joy I can possibly experience in this life, right now, anyway?
Shinto honor? Who says my ancestors would be disgraced if I murdered and stole my way to greatness? My greatness would bring them honor. And, if I were experiencing the greatest possible joy while doing it, why would I even care?
If everyone is right, and nobody is wrong, there are no absolutes - meaning there is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong, etc. Then we can only do whatever seems right in our own eyes. So. . . if then I were to use my all-important ego to define things, I would define
'good' - as my highest possible enjoyment of life, and
'evil' - as anyone who gets in my way or competes with me,
So then -it's aaaall good, and its aaaall about me. (Well, obviously a strong ego is essential, because without it you cannot hope to experience the greatest joy possible.)
Free Will:
I know, some people will make emotional choices to follow lesser people, and to live weaker, softer, more mundane lives. . . All for emotional reasons. . .
People are free, I suppose, to pick their own poison. And, If everyone is right and nobody is wrong, there are no absolutes - meaning there is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong, etc. and we can do whatever seems right in our own eyes, then, in the absence of God and Christianity, I should be predatory and be stuffing your lifeless body into my freezer and stealing your stuff. Period.
Oh, you can choose to follow a less practical philosophy if you wish. But anything less will only result in your permanent victim/servant status, When I encounter you. Victims and slaves are fundamental to my highest possible enjoyment of life. Therefore, they are 'good' things. (remember my definitions)
Naturally, me and my ego want to do 'good' things.
It's my will, and I want to manifest it. Everyone does. Everyone has an ego. Hey, in a world with no absolutes, it's all relative. Maybe it's bad for you, but it's 'good' for me. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong, it's all relative, Sucka.
Damn I’m good.
I know that you will enjoy that last comment, because it is a powerful modern ascension affirmation. It illustrates the transition from the 'damnation' warned about by the old religious structures - into the powerful new definitions of my self-defined evolution, which is evident and illustrated in my declaring my own self to be 'good.'
Look and see, 'i'm' smack in the middle of this powerful phrase - illustrating just how centered and central and important my ego is. You can just feel, that I am powerfully and successfully manifesting - whenever I say this. And, unlike a mantra that needs to be repeated over and over again, you can usually get the full effect by just saying it once and really meaning it.
Don't laugh at this.
This is basic Dark Theology, and it's been around a long long long time.
Oh, by way, Here are some additional quotes of interest:
"Do what Thou Wilt; because men that are free, well-born, well-bred, and conversant in honest companies, have naturally an instinct and spur that prompteth them unto virtuous actions, and withdraws them from vice, which is called honor. Those same men, when by base subjection and constraint they are brought under and kept down, turn aside from that noble disposition by which they formerly were inclined to virtue, to shake off and break that bond of servitude wherein they are so tyrannously enslaved; for it is agreeable with the nature of man to long after things forbidden and to desire what is denied us"
- François Rabelais, 1532
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
- Aleister Crowley 1904
"Which is better--to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill?"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 11, 1954
"If it feels good - Do It."
- 1960's hippie motto.
"A living buffalo mocks us. It has no place or purpose. It is a misbegotten child, a monster with which we cannot live and which we cannot live without. Therefore we slay, and slay again, for while a single buffalo remains, the sin of our fathers, and hence our own, is imperfect. But the slaughter of the buffalo is part of something larger. It is as though the land of Canaan into which we were led was too divine, and until we have done it every violence, until we have despoiled and murdered and dirtied every blessing, until we have erased every reminder of our original rape, until we have washed our hands of the bloods of every other, we shall be unappeased. It is as though we are too proud to be beholden to Him. We cannot bear the goodness of God."
- Bless the Beasts and the Children, Glendon Swarthout, 1970.
PS- you don't have to comment. You could just send money. - My ego likes both.
(C) RLMcCormick