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moving blogs and disappearing pages

When there are disagreements on a forum website, sometimes posts get deleted, or moved to private places, and authors get suspeneded by the site moderators. Ho Hum. . . .But, on a spiritual website, when those things happen, especially a forum that caters to those who concentrate on spirits and outer space aliens, those are MIRACLES SonnyJim! That is all real documentable phenomena, happening right here, in River City! Not to be missed.

Moving Blogs & Disappearing Pages, Part 2


Don’t read this. It’s waaaay too long. Come back later, and pretend that you were on holiday and too busy to read the whole thing now. Okay?

It’s not only fashionable, but it’s also better that way. You know, like a chocolate cream pie. . . You wouldn't eat the whole thing all at once would you? Well, most people don’t. They slice it up and enjoy it in pieces. You should do the same thing, don’t you think?

Well, hey. . . that’s why I’m here.

So, let’s be creative. - You could print this out and cut it up, and hide parts of it around your house, like Easter eggs, and then read different parts of it whenever you stumble across one.

You know, rather than completely gorge yourself all at once, and swell up like a big old green frog with a mouth full of horseflies. . . Yeah, bad idea. I mean, you have all those teeth, and those horsefly wings are sure to get stuck in all those annoying little gaps, and make you want to go floss them right away, and we don’t really NEED that kind of stress, do we? - No.

Well, not if we are going to ascend in style, we don’t!

*tilts head*

Okay, It's time to get serious people. Brothers and sisters, this is a time of real MIRACLES in our presents, and I do not mean cash money in our Christmas stockings! No.

People, this is a time to celebrate! Because together, we have been blessed with miraculous signs and wonders. Right here! Right under our very noses, and other organs.

We have experienced disappearing blogs and missing pages!

Oh, sure, some people scour the internet for the latest pictures of crop circles – but look at what we have right here! Right freaking here among us! These miraculous signs don’t seem to get all the press they really deserve because there are no pretty pictures to gawk at when something just freaking up and disappears. I know. I know.

I think we all need to stop being so 3D about these events, and raise our vibrations a bit into the higher dimensions from whence come these great and wondrous events. Otherwise, I don't think any of us truly have a shot at understanding them. So, that's what this blog is all about.

See, I knew instinctively, that if we encountered some bizarre phenomena that none of us really understood, that it had to be the work of UFO’s. Frankly, I can’t even imagine any other scenario, because nothing else fits very well, what we are seeing here.

So I knew, and you do also, exactly what I had to do. I needed to throw my consciousness out into outer space, and somehow connect with someone in that big traffic jam of UFOs that still secretly orbit our planet (I know, you would think, that if they were advanced enough to travel 50,000 light years across our galaxy to get here, that they would have that gravity thing figured out by now. Landing and orbiting should just be a big non-issue for them. But, you know how it is. . . )

Anyway, my first couple of attempts, I was struck by how cold, dark and lonely it is in space. I mean really. *brrrrrrr*

So I wondered, if this must be what it is like getting banned. . . There is so much empty space!. . .

I wondered if this is where blogs go when they disappear.

I wondered, if a page were to disappear in space, and no one read it, did it ever actually have digits in the first place? -

But thinking like that made my head begin to hurt. . . Shucks. I apparently could not even hit the broadside of an orbiting UFO with a single thought. . . so I knew, I needed a whole new approach. So, I started listening really hard and really close, and watching, and then I did what any one of you would have done, . . . I spotted the Pizza Hut delivery space ship, and I just followed it right to the secretly cloaked armada of alien motherships. Yeah! *high five* Okay!

Once there, I quickly made contact with an important high ranking member of the Galactic Command, named Bill. Now Bill, it turned out, was a highly respected Dock and Cargo worker, who was knee-deep in surgically-removed cow parts. Bill was also not very happy about what he had for breakfast. So, of course, I tried to ask Bill about the strange phenomena that we earthlings were experiencing on our spiritual forum website. I explained to Bill all about our moving blogs and disappearing pages, but unfortunately, Bill had no time to tell me, or Bill was in a bad mood, or it was still classified info and not ready to be released to earthlings like me.


So then, I tried to make the best out of it and I tried to counsel Bill, and share with him all about intentions, and about creating your own reality to live a happy and fulfilling life. . . But Bill was not in a very receptive mood. Bill said; "When I want your opinion - I’ll read your entrails." Which, I have to admit, was sort of profoud, wasn’t it? But it was waaaay too short, to be considered a decent channeling, you know, or even a very polite conversation, at least in my opinion.

So, I was left feeling really crestfallen, even though I hadn’t actually moved at all, but one thing I did get from this was that it reminded me that we DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING.

Whew, so true! In fact, like I heard recently, we only see the head of a pin stuck into the tip of a great big iceberg! Which, like every time I hear that, it always leaves me wondering, probably just like you, why ever did somebody stick a pin into an iceberg? Was it dropped here intentionally by a UFO? You can’t sew an iceberg, can you? It’s too darn big for a martini glass. And icebergs make terrible dress patterns. (I’m telling you they do!) But there it is anyway, and we found it. Because why? Well, we found it because. . . - We found it because. . . - because, we always carefully search icebergs like this, I guess. I don't know. . . It's one of those higher dimensional things. You know. You just gotta be there.

Where was I?

Oh yes. Entrails. Well, I remember, I got an A- (or something with a minus) in Divination class way back in little wizzy school. I learned all about scrying the future like all the ancients did. So, now, having been so well educated, whenever I eat eggrolls, I just naturally cut those suckers open and always check their entrails. Yes, and you know what, eggrolls really do look very different from the top, when you do that autopsy-thing on them. . . Anyway, you won't probably believe this, but among all of the chopped cabbage - I found three whole chunks of white chicken meat, and two cubes of orange carrots in this last eggroll! And you know what that means!!! Whew! *shudder*

(There were no pigeons, or goats, harmed in the production of this blog).

Three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. . .

(No…no…no. I did not find all of those things in my eggroll. *lol* whew! - Just a brief interlude of Christmas music breaking in here. Ohhhh, it just slips in all unannounced like that. It’s really weird how that happens) Probably just aliens and spirits out caroling. They do that, don't they?

I thought maybe I should toss the I.Ching to confirm all of this stuff, but Mr Ching was totally against me tossing him around like that, and he knows all that kung fu stuff too, so, I thought I better not try it right now. (Maybe sometime when he's fast asleep, I can sneak up on him for a quick toss and roll.) Besides, all those I Ching dots and dashes, they remind me of Morse code, and well, here we are again, aren’t we, right back into ship-to-ship communications again, and that really didn’t go so well last time, did it? No.

So, What do you think? Are Little People stealing our pages, moving our blogs, and hiding them in tree stumps? Do you suppose they read them first? Are they digital tree stumps?

Oh, speaking of which, when I was at the grocery store, there was this lady reading the same tabloid that I was, so I should really call her my 'sister.' Anyway, Sister Steffi said that she thought maybe it sounded to her like we might have poltergeists haunting our website. Eeek!

Now that really sent a shiver down my spine. Ghosties! When I told Steffi that ours was a spiritual site, well that really did it for her. She was convinced. Mike is the big tall balding guy who is the store policeman. Mike and his uniform sauntered over, because I think Mike was going to taser me if I was hitting on Steffi, but I winked at Mike and freaked him out. So Mike didn’t offer us any opinions about what he thought. Mike and his uniform just turned around and left.

And here we are again, confronted with this massive phenomena, right in front of us, and yet the news media seems to completely refuse to cover or report on it!!! It’s like it doesn’t even exist, but we know that it does. And we cannot just accept the word of any officials, or people with any deep personal involvements. Because we know all about disinformation, mind control, and those weird Montauk experiments with sheep that only had one horn.

We all know about those black helicopters of TPTB too, and how they can drop off squads of silent ninjas to invade the homes of people like our sleeping moderators, and secretly move our blogs around, so that they can confuse us, and control the flow of our information. That, might indeed be what we have been seeing here, and let me say it just one more time; we know all about it. We know what they are doing. We are on to them. Okay, that was actually three more times. . .But it doesn’t matter, because we stay really informed. We watch, we report, and we stay very informed.

So here is what I have come to suspect. We know those Pastel Pleiadians are notorious galactic teases, and the Sirian Conglomerate doesn't always seem to agree with itself, so probably those Active Arcturians are actually the ones behind our disappearing blogs – as a means to silently alert us to a secret plan now being hatched by the Devilish Draconians who are funding an important Illuminati effort to take over all spiritual forums by Easter, so that they can control and diminish our awesome powers.

Consequently I think that we all need to really watch out for Google ads that sound especially warm and appealing, so as to not get sucked into this dark cabal.

What do you think? Stinky candles and sage? Or is this serious enough, that we should each sacrifice a goat?

Okay, *suck in a bunch of air* everybody should be able to find something here, to sink their granny gums into.

Merry Christmas!!!!

And If any of this caused you pain, well, just take this bad situation and make something good out of it! Yes you can!

If this blog gives you pain, then consider investing in a bottle of antacid tablets. . . If those work for you,. . . then think about buying stock in the company. . . (You, yes you, could end up making yourself clean rich!) It’s so easy that cavemen could teach us to do it. Clean cavemen. So anyway, I really hope this makes you feel better.

Okay, done. Now you can all race each other to see who will be the first to post up "It’s a Miracle" videos by Barry Manilow. Yes. Yes. It’s a True Blue Miracle,. . . baby!

Just don't call me 'Captain.'

(C) Oh yes, uh huh, that's right, my powerful Mystic Seal covers and protects this document. Probably explains why it hasn't disappeared yet. (And, if you are evil, it will make your eyes hurt, too!)

So, like, isn't this the part of these sort of blogs, where everybody just wants to like, throw money at me for stroking their emotions, or go to my website and donate? Gee. I feel like I always mess this part up. I'm so unprofessional.

(C) RLMcCormick

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