The Spiritual Game Show
(You may not fully appreciate this, if you've never been on a spiritual forum website)
Welcome to HOW UGLY ARE YOU?
The Spiritual World’s most popular game show.
I’m your host, Bob Sillywillie, here to bring you all the action you can handle.
Over here are today’s lovely contestants! They’re here to tell you their stories, and then let you decide; HOW - UGLY - ARE - YOU? Lets begin.
Contestant #1
“Well Bob, I don’t make any comments or posts. I’m just a taker. I don't contribute. I have almost no info on my profile, and I just come here to silently pick through the material and take whatever I like.” *clap clap clap* “I’m sort of a silent scavenger, if you will, Bob. If someone has already killed something that looks appealing to me, I’m there, quietly feasting on it, trying to drag that carcass back to my nest and call it mine.”
*clap, clap, clap, clap*
Okay then.
Now lets hear from Contestant #2
“Bob I don’t know much about the spirit world or spirituality, but I know my feelings and emotions, and I believe they are real, and they are accurate indicators of everything spiritual. Bob, I know when things are right, because they just feel right to me. That’s how I navigate, and that’s why I’ve made so much spiritual progress and become so lovely.” * clap clap clap* “Like for instance, French Silk Pie, Bob. I know it is heavenly spiritual food, because of how it makes me feel. Rich creamy chocolate, on a flaky baked crust. It doesn’t get much better than that, Bob. I’m sure the angels eat this all the time. You just know something is right, when you resonate with it, and I definitely resonate with French Silk Pie, Bob. The world would be a better more spiritual place if we all ate only French Silk Pie for every meal. It is that good Bob. It is truly the food of ascension. You know, my Higher Self led me to French Silk Pie, because it has such a high vibration, and eating it definitely raises your level of consciousness. Other foods like broccoli and carrots, lower my vibration, Bob. French Silk Pie is what I feel every Lightworker needs, to ascend.”
*clap, clap, clap, clap*
And now -
Contestant #3
“Well Bob, I’m a puppet of the ‘aliens.’ I get frequent downloads from them, and they have pretty much reorganized and control my entire mind now.” *clap, clap, clap * “Thank you. I support their agenda, of course. Anytime someone criticizes an alien channeling, I jump right in and call them horrible names. I find a way to support and defend every alien channeling. I don’t believe there are any failed promises or contradictions, because I love my aliens, and I feel they are good to me. People just criticize because they are afraid to give away their sovereignty to the aliens like I have. I think critics only seek to divide us to prevent us from enjoying a Golden Age that my aliens will bring to everyone who will submit to them. So, I viciously attack people who don’t want to submit to my aliens, and I feel good about having an opportunity to serve my aliens like I do.”
*clap, clap, clap, clap*
Okay Audience, THIS IS IT!
That’s all for today’s show. Your time to cast your vote, and tell us WHO is the ugliest of them all. You’ve seen them, and you’ve heard their stories, now it’s time to decide. Which one gets YOUR vote for the ugliest? Cast your vote and tell us. It’s your time to participate! Cast your votes, and don’t forget to tune into our next show, where three all new contestants will try to win spirituality’s most coveted title.
(C) RLMcCormick