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Doin the Lightworker Youtube Polka

Doin the Lightworker Youtube Polka

(The person who asked this question elsewhere- said he fell down from laughing at my response. I doubt it will be nearly as amusing here, but lets be fearless, and post it up anyway and find out.) Here’s the question:

Why is it that every person that starts to wake up feels the need to call themselves a Lightworker and post YouTube videos on the same stuff that everyone else does?

any opinions?

I don’t know. I don’t watch much. But, I do have my own personal observations and unique theories to bore your socks off . . .

I should probably mention first, that my parents tried to send me, but I never actually went to charm school.

And today, my horoscope says : “Sun square Pluto today will intensify your personality and make you ruthless.”

So, . . .you might just want to grab your big-girl Lightworker panties, and hold on with both hands. Because some of this could rub your emotions the wrong way, and it might appear a little negative.

Okay. I think, the whole term ‘Lightworker’ has become pretty much useless, except for the emotional warm fuzzies that it imparts. It makes people feel useful and comfortable. That’s about the extent of it. Most self-styled ‘Lightworkers’ that I’ve encountered don’t seem to have even a working knowledge of the basic characteristics of their chosen ‘element.’ Fewer still seem to have any clue how to actually manifest anything, anywhere. . . So, why not? Why not make a video, you know, get your face out there and smile some? Say “Look at me, I’m a Lightworker!” Put everything you know into a video and hope it wakes somebody up and changes things.

The one observed thing that most lightworkers, and ‘starseeds,’ do all seem to have generally in common -is a profound personal sense of alienation and separation from the rest of humanity. I have to include myself in this, but the ‘strange,’ ‘weird,’ and ‘creepy’ and ‘eccentric’ of a century ago, now get to all call themselves 'Starseeds' and Liightworkers'. . . It does sound a whole lot better, you have to admit. Most seem to take those labels and run with them – to the nearest forum, where like-minds meet up, socialize, and try to fit in with each other, to some degree, and dream of the day when things will be different, and the world will be more like they are. End of story, mostly.

Now, wandering away from the question a bit. . . .down my own little mental rabbit trail. .to try to actually teach something useful here, so as to add some tiny redeeming value to my blathering on like this - Astrology would actually explain and predict those same commonly observed feelings of alienation and separation, if those people were born with Chiron in Aquarius. Yep. The position of Chiron represents the thorn in a person’s life. It is their life-long pain and weakness, the cross that they bear so to speak, etc. Astrologically it’s your dose of bad stuff. . . And one of those weaknesses, or the Greeks might refer to it as your fate, is that of never feeling accepted or fitting in.

One position of Chiron is not necessarily better than any other. They ‘re all bad. Other people have different ‘Chiron’ life problems to overcome, such as never having a sense of ever feeling full and satisfied, or the problem of always having a sense of being betrayed and losing your faith, etc. etc. It just depends on where Chiron was when you were born. So, we could theorize that most Lightworkers/Starseeds probably have Chiron in Aquarius because they feel so alienated all the time, see?

(PS, - lol, maybe I should also mention, only because I’m permissively running off at the mouth here, that I’ve also been working on another observational theory, that most, if not all, women who become involved in the occult and witchcraft, seem to have had really really really bad relationships with their fathers, causing them to reject the concept of a fatherly God, and look elsewhere for power and protection. Cool theory, eh?)

Anyway, back to the question….

I think, that for people who have suffered a profound sense of alienation for a long time, realizing that they are not alone after all, and that they may actually fit in somewhere, and have a good purpose, and that they can share their life with others who are ‘like’ them,- really generates a certain giddy amount of energy and excitement in the ‘awakened’ person, and they just cannot resist that inner explosion of enthusiasm to make videos, and become an involved significant part of their new specialized community somehow.

What’s that song, after all, how does it go . . . “What the world needs now, is more of me, somehow. . .” “That’s the only thing, that there’s just too little of. . .”

Well, something like that . . . wasn’t it?

Tosses saffron petals . . .

Love, love, love. . .

Kisses to everyone. (yes, even you)

Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss

(C) RLMcCormick

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