Clearing & Releasing
Clearing & Releasing
(FYI: It is a common New Age spiritual practice to meditate and discover dirty nasty awful crap inside of yourself. It’s considered bad to have dark gunky stuff all over your spirit. It’s a bit like old motor oil, because it bogs you down, and clogs up your chakras. - So, all this gunk needs to purged and released, so that you feel clean and free of negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, which will help your spiritual engine operate at peak performance. It’s just like a herbal colon cleanse, only spiritual, instead of physical.)
We need too talk.
Some people here, say that they realized they were being stupid, and so they reprogrammed their brains not to do stupid stuff anymore. Okay.
Other people here, say they realized that some thought patterns or emotions within themselves, were just wrong, and so they used the violet ray to transmute all that crap. Transmute it into something good, like rabbit food, I suppose. They usually don’t say what they transmuted it into, so I just imagine a bunch of rabbits probably came by and ate it all up, whatever it was, after they transmuted it. Okay.
But then, there are people here who say that they realized that they had a fear, or some bad energy, deep within them, with all sorts of wiggly bad stuff attached to it, and they triumphantly said, that they have released all of that bad stuff! *poof* Gone. Like a thousand red balloons. They released it, and it just floated off to Never-Never land.
I live downwind of California, where all of those people are blissfully purging their light bodies and releasing horrible crap. And they release too much. I get the feeling that people in California must be really burdened with lots of dark negative energy. It has to be like a giant farting contest out there! They must have big trunks of the stuff, which they carry around with them.
Anyway, all that negative stuff that they release, it floats over the mountains into the Midwest and sticks to the houses and the trees! It makes the squirrels fuss, and the birds moan. Sometimes my house starts to creak. I never know what my house is afraid of now; – it depends on what released-fears blew in from California overnight!
How many times, do I have to have somebody’s released insecurities splattered all over the windshield of my car, and I’m just innocently driving around with good intentions and good energy!? Can we please get some black lights and fuzzy bunnies out to those people out in California? (I heard they already have plenty of programmers, but I guess they don’t use those. . .)
Honestly, people upwind of me in California are releasing clouds of dark negatives - and then people scratch their heads and they wonder WHY we have storms and tornadoes in the Midwest! Can we clean this up? We need a deposit tax, or something, to inhibit those people from just carelessly releasing all their dark fears and hate and stuff into the environment, please!
(C) RLMcCormick