Channelings; the crowded chaotic cloud of confusing cosmic communications.
Dear Ones; It seems many people, around these parts, get here by first believing nothing at all, then they "awaken," and they seem to believe anything and everything. . .
It can be a dangerous irony.
In the old days, Oracles spoke from PLACES, and they were trackable, largely reliable, and had reputations. . .Now? Well, things are a bit less ordered now.
With so many people who want to channel some message from the spirit world or deep space, well, how can wandering spirits resist?
Thankfully, those guys who clean the floors and toilets on those big starships that are supposedly out there, and the administrative assistants that get the coffee and tea for all those ascended cosmic captains and board members, never waste our precious time channeling their greetings and stuff. . . Because, it is such a thrill, to be chosen by some big shot to receive a channeled message. . . It’s soooo much easier to carry water for somebody with a big important sounding title.
Odd how so many advanced and powerful beings all choose bored powerless unimportant housewives to receive their important messages to the people of earth. . .
Everybody seems to want to get into this game.
It's like amateur bowling night now. Yes. I think of channeled messaged from the spirit world, today, sort of like amateur bowling night for spirits.
One spirit steps up and tosses a message down one of the many open channel lanes, to some medium to see how many human pins they can knock down, and all the other spirits in the gallery fall down laughing their posteriors off, back-slapping each other, and exclaiming "Oh, that was a good one!"
"You, the ascended grand commander of what? where? YOU? Lol."
I think the more you take many of these messages seriously, the harder they probably laugh.
But, every man does whatever seems right in his own eyes.
Which, like i was saying, may be the problem.
(C) RLMcCormick