ASCENSION - Then and Now
ASCENSION - Then and Now
A personal history of the New Age Movement
I've been online with The New Age Movement now for about a decade. This is just my personal account of how things were, and how it has evolved.
I remember, in the beginning, it was all about ‘awakening’ not ‘ascending’ like it is now. We were all supposedly already godlike 5d aliens, who had volunteered to incarnate here on earth as humans, and we just needed to awaken and remember who we were, and claim our power and authority, and change this planet. . . We were all starseeds, from various alien races, and we were mostly all very important alien kings and queens, and various royalty. We were already ascended advanced beings, we just needed to remember who we were, and what it was like back ‘home,’ - which was always anywhere except here.
Drugs were a popular way to space out and get some in touch with their higher spiritual selves. But then, people got excited about DNA, and ascension became about messing with our DNA and making ourselves evolve. Things like drinking monoatomic gold were said to activate latent parts of our DNA - so we would evolve into godlike 5d life forms. Etc. etc. But people started spreading paranoia that this or that was all a trick of the Dark Cabal. It faded away. Maybe the stuff just didn’t taste that great, or it killed or bankrupted everyone that tried it. Don't know.
Then it was crystals and meditation. Crystals were ALIVE and a sentient race among us, and they communicated with each other, and they could exchange subordinate spirits with each other if you had a crystal meet-up, and they could hold vibrations and cause you to ascend and raise your vibrations. So, the very spiritual hoarded crystals. People proudly posted up pictures of their special crystals, and they used similar pictures for their avatars, and some even stood with reverence before crystal skulls to receive ‘downloads’ and spirit guides. . . Articles about the spiritual significance of the various occlusions found in quartz crystals were written.. . . And, rutilated quartz with gold, was just beyond awesome.
Then it was crystal bowls, and sound, and sound wave vibrations, to purify you and restore nature, and cause everyone to ascend when we together hold a higher frequency. . Because sound is everything, and everything is vibration. I remember that many who believed themselves to be starseeds posted comments and blogs at that time that they believed their sole purpose in life, was being sent here to simply ‘hold a frequency’ on this planet. This sort of obsession with sound and vibration led into Hindu mantras, OMmmmmm, and chants became very popular and very spiritual for a bit.
Then we had an intense Buddhist interlude where ascension was loudly pushed as being through purging yourself of all attachments and all judgments and just accepting and flowing with everything into higher vibrations and ascension. (crystals sort of got left behind at this point, because, well you didn’t want to have any attachment to one, and you also didn’t want to be guilty of judging one crystal as being more better than any other crystal, ya know?)
This Buddhist thinking drifted into a belief in the Divine Feminine vibration and the rise of the Feminist spirit, because the planet was so terribly out of balance to the male side, and we all needed to balance our male and female sides to raise our vibrations, and for the planet to ascend. Balance was necessary, so, promoting the spread of Divine Feminine thought and feelings was seen as crucial to helping our planet ascend. You had to 'Go Girl!' if you wanted to ascend guys. . . But not everyone believed this.
Those “I’m not actually a Lightworker” Blue Rays believed, and still believe, in ascension through their creating psychotronic ascension machines - at certain key places around the globe, and then performing ritualistic magic to achieve it individually. They still toil night and day, ever maneuvering the political, military, and economic, structures to try and position themselves to be the builders, and make this possible.
But then channelers came along and promised (via channeled messages from various gods, ascended masters, Mary, Jesus, Judas, Paul, and all the angels, and various alien Councils of high-sounding authority) to our generally barbaric world, that humans didn’t need 33 levels of training, because Aliens would reveal themselves and just do it all for everyone. Well everyone, except those bad Dark Cabal guys that nobody, not even aliens and ascended masters, like very much. They don’t get to ascend.
The channeled messages promised that the aliens would bring us a new world order, and cause humans to evolve and ascend, get rich, live in peace, and enjoy new technology, per our Creator’s will. Yes. Per many channeled messages, the aliens, in cloaked space ships who won't land and reveal themselves, explained that they are really like angels of God, sent by God to help us all ascend, and so we should trust them all to take over and run our lives and stuff. . . Well, this gained many many ardent followers, because it was positive, and required no real work, it felt good, and it could not be tested.
(Listen up! - If you ever desire a career as a con-man, you NEED these 4 elements for a successful con job. It needs to be positive, require no real work, feel good, and can’t be tested, okay?)
Crystals and vibrations sort of made a combined comeback, because some channelers told very detailed dramatic stories about how alien races and spirit powers would be activating great mega crystals around the earth to bring about the ascension frequency grid, etc. But the channelers set times and dates in many of their messages, all of which totally failed, and many of their disappointed and embarrassed believers lost faith and scattered, in search of other ways to ascend and become gods.
Now, I know what you’re thinking – “WTF?”
But don’t worry. You can still get your ticket punched to become a god.
Because it seems we are maybe lately settling into a new consensus about how to ascend. Now, Mother Earth, the conscious living planet, is going to evolve, by entering an area of deep space that we are about to travel into, which has a new higher vibration of light from the galactic central core, or some other far off place, and we are all going along for this ride, and so we will evolve into the 5th Dimension too, and acquire new magical Light Bodies to replace our 3D human bodies.
Here's a freebie.
I'll jump-start this one. I'll develop it for you into the newest form of this "I want to become a God on my own" New Age religion. Okay? See below:
ASCENSION & The Propagation of the Earth Planet Life Form
One day, the DNA of the planet will evolve. The dirt, and the rock, will change. Then the trees and the grass. It will be a good change. Those in the bowels of the earth will be expelled, and finally, those of us who dwell upon the skin of the earth, like a fungus, we will evolve also.
Then, we will be as gods, and in all our 5d glory, and we will be able to instantly manifest everything that we once wanted, when we were lowly 3d creatures and bound by gravity to the surface of the planet. There will be no limit to the chaos, as everyone begins to manifest their own desires, and re-manifest their desires, in competition with others trying to also manifest their desires. Reality will change like water, from minute to minute, as life forms and landscapes appear and disappear, and time will cease to have meaning.
Then, like spores, many will decide to flee to other stars, to manifest their wills there, free of competition, so that the earth will, by us, pollinate the other stars and galaxies, which through manifestation, will all become similar versions of the old 3d earth.
Eventually, the entire universe will be changed into the image of Mother Earth. And on every planet, around every star, in every galaxy of the universe, Mother Earth will be worshiped and hailed as the original mentor and creator of all life in the entire universe.
PS. - Hey.
Anybody know WHO SAID THIS?
". . . then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods. . ."
It sounds important. . .
"And every man did what seemed right in his own eyes."
DejaVu, eh?
Remember The Prophecy:
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itiching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
II Timothy 4:3-4
(C) RLMcCormick