Ascended Masters
Ascended Masters are a name given to individuals in The New Age movement, that have supposedly ascended to godlike 5th dimensional status, who pop in (some say from the galactic center of our universe) from time to time to graciously deliver channeled messages, and new teachings, to us unascended 3rd dimensional earthlings. The number of Ascended Masters seems to have grown over the past 5 years like Topsy, as people invent new names to channel. We might now actually have more new Archangels sending greeting cards to their adoring fans, though, than Ascended Masters, but who’s counting? Not me. What is the one thing you WANT MOST to know from an Ascended Master? How they ascended, right? And what is the one thing they NEVER tell you? How they ascended, right? In most messages, they pat you on the head, and encourage you to hang in there, and encourage you to pray to them, and encourage you to ask them for guidance. So, is that how they ascended? NO. How could it b if there were no Ascended Masters for them to pray to? Did they pray to themselves? I don’t think so. St. Germain is supposed to be the head honcho for ascension and bringing the world into the glorious New Age, so lets look at him: From Wikipedia: “St. Germain, as one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, is credited with near god-like powers and with longevity. It is believed that Sir Francis Bacon faked his own death on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626, attended his own funeral and made his way from England to Transylvania where he found lodging in a castle owned by the Rakóczi family. There, on 1 May 1684, Bacon, by using alchemy, became an immortal occult master and adopted the name Saint Germain and became one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, a group of beings that, Theosophists believe, form a Spiritual Hierarchy of planet Earth sometimes called the Ascended Masters. Thus, according to these beliefs, St. Germain was a mysterious manifestation of the "resurrected form" (or "resurrection body") of Sir Francis Bacon.” Yeah. So WHEN was the last time an Ascended Master told you - what the occult rituals that you can perform secretly in a castle in Transylvania to become an immortal occult master are, eh? It only took Bacon 58 years of secret Transylvanian occult alchemy, how long do you suppose it will take you? Maybe those rituals are just not fit to print. . . Hey, this is NOT just what some isolated splinter group believes. . . Theosophy gave the world the whole concept of the Ascended Masters, before they all became the airy-fairy sweet-talking nanny New Age gurus that they appear to be now.
(C) RLMcCormick